Hoy quiero compartir un projecto que ise con estas masetas que encontre por un dollar. me gustaron porque todos mis muebles estan cuadrados y estas masetas redondas estan perfectas. Y un precio super perfecto.
That's how they started not really my style, so I had to give them my touch. I gave them a good wash just to try to get some of the old paint off. That way my new spray paint would stay on longer.
Asi empesaron realmente no eran mi estilo so les tenia que dar mi toque final. Una lavada con mi mangera para que se limpairan bien.
I spray painted them white so the gold could stand out. poor little grass as you can tell that's my spray paint corner of the yard. Then I gave it a day to dry.
Las pinte blancas para que el dorado se lusiera. pobre sacate como pueden ver aqui es donde pinto todo. luego deje que se secaran.
I used duck tape in gold that I bought at Joannes. I think it was about four something then i added the tape in triangles whatever makes you happy I've just seen a lot of shapes this year.it also really helps if your scissors are sharp. that tape is really sticky.Luego use mi tape dorado que conpre en Joannes me costo 4 y algo no recurdo. luego agrege los trangulos pero ustedes pueden usar lo que les guste a mi me gustan por que he visto muchos este ano. tambein recomiendo que uses Tijeras que cotrten bien porque ese tape esta muy pegajoso.
Now it just needs a plant.
Ahora nadamas nesesita una planta.
Do you have any you could reinvent or maybe next time you see one that's not your style but the right price you could give it a little paint and its new again.
Eso es todo. Tienes tu alguna que puedas reinventar darle color. Alamejor cuando veas uno que no sea tu estilo pero este a un buen precio. Puedas darle tu toque
I like this one like you said even if its not my style I can still fix it up my way
ReplyDeleteYes, sometimes those clearance iteams that we pass by could be turned into something great.
ReplyDeleteso cute I love it!
ReplyDeleteHi Eileen thank you. Love your blog thanx for reading.